by Before Semicolon

Conditional Rendering

Conditional rendering is all about relying on some information or logic to decide whether a part of the template or a specific attribute should be shipped to the browser or not.

The #if attribute

The #if attribute allows you to specify a condition that decides if the tag should be rendered or not.

<variable name="x" value="10"></variable>
<variable name="y" value="5"></variable>

<div #if="x > y">x greater than y</div>
<div #if="x < y">x less than y</div>
<div #if="x === y">x equals to y</div>

The #attr attribute

There are some attributes you may want to be include only under certain conditions and that is what the #attr attribute is for.

You use comma to separate the attribute name, value and the condition to include it where the value is optional for booleans attributes like "hidden", "disabled", "checked", etc.

<variable name="saved" value="true"></variable>

<div class="save-indicator" #attr="class, readonly, saved">
	<button type="button" #attr="disabled, saved">save</button>
<!-- becomes:
<div class="save-indicator readonly">
	<button type="button" disabled>save</button>
</div> -->

You may also specify multiple set of conditions separated by semicolon.

<variable name="saved" value="true"></variable>

<button type="button" #attr="disabled, saved; class, readonly, saved">save</button>
<!-- becomes:
	<button type="button" class="readonly" disabled>save</button> -->