by Before Semicolon

Why HTML+?

In short, it is familiar, fast, simple and allows you to write less and powerfully. Here is more:

It is just HTML

The syntax is of HTML so you already know this language.

<ul #if="$data.list">
	<li #repeat="$data.list">item {$item}</li>
<p #attr="id, desc, $data.visible">
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Small learning curve

There are only few new tags and attributes with amazing capabilities to learn about.

// Attributes
#if, #repeat, #fragment,
#attr, #ignore

// Tags
include, variable, inject,
fragment, log, ignore
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Support for SASS, LESS, STYLUS and Typescript out of the box

Simply link your SASS, LESS, STYLUS and Typescript files.

#CSS preprocessor files
<link href="style1.scss" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="style2.less" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="style3.styl" rel="stylesheet">

#typescript files
<script src="app.ts"></script>
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Write Future CSS

HTML+ engine allows you to write modern CSS that works in any browser.

@import "normalizer.css";
@custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6;

:--heading {
	--color: #900;

	&:hover {
		color: var(--color);
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Powerful data binding and data contextualization

It allows you to reference data in separate files and create data context for specific parts of the page.

<variable name="total" value="$data.list.reduce((acc, n) => acc + n.price)">

<p>Total: {total}</p>
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Create your custom HTML tags and attributes

You can create custom tags and attributes to handle a specific situation of your project.

class MyTag {
	render() {
		return '<p>My Tag</p>'
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Static and Dynamic SSR website

Create faster website by rendering on the Server with static or dynamic pages.

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A site builder

HTML+ builder takes care of exporting production ready site files to be hosted anywhere.

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Page file directory as route

You can creat your website router by simply using the pages file structure. The rest is taken care by the engine.

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Generates optimal code for production

The site builder will only export optimal and needed CSS, Javascript and HTML for production.

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Get Started Quickly

The following code creates an Express server with template, page routes, CSS(pre and post processors) and Typescript files setup ready to go.

const express = require('express');
const http = require('http');
const path = require('path');
const {engine} = require('@beforesemicolon/html-plus');

const app = express();

(async () => {
	// wait for engine to finish setting upt the routes
	// and all files
	await engine(app, path.resolve(__dirname, './pages'));

	const server = http.createServer(app);

	server.listen(3000, () => {
		console.log('server live on port 3000')
Quick Start